Get TouchControl for iOS here:
TouchControl Server
TouchControl Server is required to use the TouchControl iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch app.
Windows Server
TouchControl Server for Windows is provided as a compressed (.zip) file containing the product installation files. Once downloaded, simply open the compressed folder and run the Windows installer file to install TouchControl Server. This server will notify you when a new version is available, if you have that option enabled (default). If not, please check back here often for new versions.
macOS Server
TouchControl Server for macOS is available from the Mac App Store.
Button Packs
Below you will find several button packs for use with TouchControl. Simply download them and place them in the images folder under your TouchControl Server data directory (found in server settings). The "Default" button packs below are the ones originally shipped with TouchControl server, used with the default configuration activities. Also included here are the default activity background images, button icons and slider images shipped with the server. The "Others" are just some random packs of images you are free to use if you wish.
If you have a button pack that you'd like to share with others, just send it to, and it will be posted here.
Activity Import Files
These activities can be imported into your configuration using the Tools -> Import Configuration option from the menu. Click on an image below to download the desired file(s) to your system and then navigate to and select the file when prompted during import.
The first five import files listed below (each includes iPhone and iPad layouts) are included with the TouchControl Server installation.
DirecTV Remote
Sample DirecTV Remote activity for iPhone and iPad. These activities use SSDP to discover and configure your DirecTV receivers on your network. No additional configuration needed to control DirecTV receivers. Can be easily modified to add power, volume, etc. commands for your TV as well.
See the "READ-ME" file located in this export for additional installation and usage notes.

Nightstand (iPhone only)
Sample activity that displays a digital clock with time and date. Swipe the screen to change the text display color and to change the screen brightness. Also shows current battery charging state & level.
See the "*READ ME*" script button in this activity for additional information.
Sample activity that doesn't actually control anything, but gives you an easy method to test the VoiceControl feature of TouchControl. Each button simply logs its execution to a scrolling text field at the bottom of the screen when it is successfully executed, either via voice or touch.
Additional activity import files:
Sample activity demonstrating the use of Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) to discover devices on your network. See the "READ-ME" file in this export activity usage information. iPad only. Requires TouchControl 7.4.2 or later.
See the "READ-ME" file located in this export for additional usage notes.
Other sample activity downloads
Demonstrates a mousepad to control your PC (designed for iPhone) | |
Demonstrates a mousepad to control your PC (designed for iPad) | |
Control your devices using mousepad gestures on your iOS device (taps, swipes, pinches, etc.) | |
Demonstrates group animations using multiple, movable group buttons | |
Demonstrates controlling XBMC/Kodi on your PC using HTTP Request buttons | |
Demonstrates controlling XBMC/Kodi on your PC using TCP (EventTrigger) buttons | |
Control a Denon AVR home theater receiver using EventTrigger buttons. | |
Control a Denon AVR home theater receiver using Global Caché buttons. |